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The openness of being: Natural theology today. The Gifford Lectures in the University of Edinburgh 1970-1971

Author: Mascall, E L Category: H0: Doctrine - General dogmatics Book No: 1061 Available

Christ, the Christian and the church: A study of the incarnation and its consequences

Author: Mascall, E L Category: H1: Doctrine - Incarnation Book No: 1158 Available

God the living and the true

Editor: Casserley, J V Langmead; Author: MacKinnon, D M; Editor: Mascall, E L Category: H2.2: Doctrine - God Book No: 1201 Available

He who is: A study in traditional theism

Author: Mascall, E L Category: H2.2: Doctrine - God Book No: 1204 Available

The secularisation of Christianity: An analysis and a critique

Author: Mascall, E L Category: H2.2: Doctrine - God Book No: 1205 Available

Grace and glory

Author: Mascall, E L Category: H4: Doctrine - Eschatology Book No: 1246 Available

The church of God: An Anglo-Russian symposium by members of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius

Author: Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius; Editor: Mascall, E L Category: H7: Doctrine - Church Book No: 1318 Available
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